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How To Set Up A Rocker Gaming Chair

How to Setup X Rocker Gaming Chair

Setting up the X Rocker Gaming Chair is a breeze once you understand how it works. Luckily, there are some easy steps to follow. First, you need to make sure your console is powered off. Then, plug in the AV cable. The 3.5 mm end goes into the small port on the back of the chair, and the RCA end goes into the console. Next, you need to connect the speaker wires.

To setup an X Rocker gaming chair, you’ll need to get a HDMI to audio converter. You’ll need an HDMI cable for your television and one for your Xbox One. You’ll also need a wire that connects to the red and white ports on the audio converter. Then, you’ll need to connect the X Rocker gaming chair to the white and red ports on the audio converter.

Once you have purchased your X Rocker, you’ll need to set it up. You’ll need to place your gaming console on the floor and connect the cable to the chair’s input and output ports. You’ll also need to sit in it in front of the TV. Now, you’re ready to plug the chair into your television. If it doesn’t have a power adapter, make sure you purchase one that comes with one.

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